I'm a full stack generalist, who can work with anything from designing business processes, through front end and back end development, to DevOps, operations, infrastructure design, and pulling network cable. I travel, and live on a sailing boat.
I'm interested in correct, secure code, and doing things properly, even if it takes longer.
I created this web app for selling car insurance in Kenya.
Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Ansible, FreeBSD, Linux, AWS
I built this website for a charity working in Afghanistan, according to the specification of the designer.
Drupal, MySQL, Twitter Bootstrap
A unicycle which generates sound based on how fast and far you travel.
Unicycle, Arduino, Pure Data
I am currently looking for work on a contract basis. I can work remotely, or onsite depending on location.
I can build you an app for a new startup, an MVP, prototype, or full intial product. I can improve and fix existing apps and websites. I can automate the deployment of your app, or design and deploy the hosting infrastructure. I have a diverse skill set, so just ask!